Game Tutorial and other stuff:


  • This mechanic dictates how efficiently you get work done. At more than 50% dopamine, you work twice as quickly. At 0%, you stare at the screen blankly and get nothing done.
  • Dopamine passively decreases. This passive decrease increases the more you vape. It also temporarily increases while working.

Random events:

  • Every ten seconds, a notification will pop up in the chat box to the left. Clicking on it will open a chat with either a vaping or gaming event.
  • Notifications do not appear while working.


  • One of your friends might ask if you want to go out vaping.
  • Accepting the offer will grant a large dopamine boost, but at a cost of decreasing your dopamine quicker.
  • The dopamine gain diminishes the more you vape.


  • Some other friends who are into gaming might ask if you want to hop on with them.
  • Accepting this offer will give a modest dopamine boost, at the cost of not being able to work during that time. You can’t work while vaping as well, so not take a little break to play a little bit?


  • This is the main victory condition. You must complete all your work (get the work bar to 100%) by pressing the WORK button in the bottom left corner before the 5 minutes are up.
  • The WORK button is disabled while gaming or vaping.
  • As said above, you work better the more dopamine you have.
  • Working increases the dopamine decrease by +2.
  • The game ends instantly when you finish your work.

Final score:

  • It is based on the average dopamine throughout the game plus the work done, subtracted by how many times you vaped (times ten).
  • You are insane if your score is above 170.

Other tips:

  • Try playing the game multiple times with different strategies to get the full experience.


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